
Why You Should Eat Cheat Meals aka Treat Meals (Seriously)

A table filled with lots of different foods.

If you’re like most people, the words “cheat day” make you cringe.

You think of it as a free-for-all, where you can eat anything and everything in sight without consequence.

But what if I told you that cheat days could actually help you reach your fitness goals?

It’s true!

In this article, we’ll go over why you should start eating cheat food daily (yes, daily).

What Is A Cheat Meal?

A cheat meal is a term used by dietitians and fitness enthusiasts to describe a planned meal that allows someone to deviate from their normal healthy eating habits.

The purpose of a cheat meal is to provide a mental and physical break from restrictive dieting and to prevent feelings of deprivation that can lead to binge eating.

A cheat meal typically contains high-calorie foods that are typically avoided when trying to lose weight, such as pizza, burgers, or desserts.

While there are no hard and fast rules about what can be included in a cheat meal, it is generally agreed that cheat meals generally have nothing to do with the standard ‘healthy’ food.

Still, a cheat meal should not be an all-out free-for-all but rather a controlled indulgence that helps keep dieters on track in the long run.

I like to refer to Cheat Meals as Treat Meals. When you are doing everything consistently correct you should reward yourself with some indulgence. This is called balance, but it needs to be in moderation. Excessive calories even if done 2-3 times a week can impact your progress.

Let’s refer to Cheat Meal as Treat Meal and what is the difference VS a Cheat Day

A Treat meal is like a gateway drug to a cheat day (figuratively speaking.)

It starts innocently enough, just one little burger with a small fry or no fries at all or a slice of pie.

But before you know it, you’re eating everything in sight and telling yourself that you’ll start your diet again just tomorrow.

And we all know how that story goes.

The next thing you know, it’s a week later, and you’re still eating junk food and feeling guilty about it.

So if you’re thinking about cheating on your diet, be warned: a treat meal can quickly turn into a full-blown cheat day.

And that’s not something you want to happen.

This is why, you should…

Make It Regular! 2-3 times aweek!

If you make cheat meals a regular thing, you will have fewer cravings for junk food because.

Simply put, the less you’re having something, the more special it becomes.

And vice versa- if you have cheat food frequently, it just won’t be that special.

So if you want to keep those cravings at bay, making your treat meals occasional will help to keep junk food feeling like a real treat.

Not to mention, it’ll help prevent any weight gain from all those extra calories you are otherwise likely to consume when cheat day finally comes around.

For most people, this may sound counterintuitive, but in reality, as long as it’s done in moderation and you meet your daily caloric needs, it will do more good than harm.

When we work with clients, even if they’re trying to lose weight, we make sure that up to 10% of their weekly calories come from less nutritious, cheat foods.

And that is the secret – as long as you keep the balance in favor of nutritious foods, it is okay to snack on your favorite junk, a few times a week.

Final Thoughts

So, should you eat treat meals every day to actually avoid binging in the long run?

No, self contro;l is an important lifestyle habit. If you do not have control you should seek guidance from a liscensed therapist to help you with deeper concerns around your relationship with food. 2-3 times a week in moderationis enough! Literally, 3 out of 7 days could contain a treat meal.

While there are benefits to enjoying your not-so-healthy foods, it’s important to listen to your body and find what works best for you. Keep in mind you need to have good self-control.

If eating a treat meal makes you feel guilty or like you’ve failed, then it’s probably not worth it.
But if a little bit here and there keeps you on track and prevents feelings of deprivation, go for it!

#discipline #consistency #success